Monday, February 4, 2013

The Absent Father Project

Welcome to The Absent Father Project. 
The Absent Father Project is a blog for men who grew up with an absent or distant father.  Its a place to understand our selves and learn about the impacts of being abandoned.  Its a place for men to heal the feelings many of us have chosen to never feel.  Its a place for men to grow up and transcend our childhood stories.  Its a place to connect, to share,  and mostly to experience that we are not alone in this journey.
It's a place for me, Rodney Mueller, a fatherless son, to share and creatively express the profound impact that growing up without a Dad has had on my life.  Through my story and my perspective, I hope to shed light on yours and as I free myself from my story of growing up fatherless, I hope to free you from yours.
We don't have to be trapped by the story that we made up about ourselves as a little boy. The story that we are not good enough and that we can't rely on others places a ceiling on our experiences in life.  It creates an upper limit with money, leadership and love.
Join me as we endeavor to transcend these stories and reclaim our power.

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